File: /Users/paulross/dev/linux/linux-3.13/arch/x86/include/asm/bitops.h

Green shading in the line number column means the source is part of the translation unit, red means it is conditionally excluded. Highlighted line numbers link to the translation unit page. Highlighted macros link to the macro page.

       1: #ifndef _ASM_X86_BITOPS_H
       2: #define _ASM_X86_BITOPS_H
       4: /*
       5:  * Copyright 1992, Linus Torvalds.
       6:  *
       7:  * Note: inlines with more than a single statement should be marked
       8:  * __always_inline to avoid problems with older gcc's inlining heuristics.
       9:  */
      11: #ifndef _LINUX_BITOPS_H
      12: #error only <linux/bitops.h> can be included directly
      13: #endif
      15: #include <linux/compiler.h>
      16: #include <asm/alternative.h>
      17: #include <asm/rmwcc.h>
      19: #if BITS_PER_LONG == 32
      20: # define _BITOPS_LONG_SHIFT 5
      21: #elif BITS_PER_LONG == 64
      22: # define _BITOPS_LONG_SHIFT 6
      23: #else
      24: # error "Unexpected BITS_PER_LONG"
      25: #endif
      27: #define BIT_64(n)            (U64_C(1) << (n))
      29: /*
      30:  * These have to be done with inline assembly: that way the bit-setting
      31:  * is guaranteed to be atomic. All bit operations return 0 if the bit
      32:  * was cleared before the operation and != 0 if it was not.
      33:  *
      34:  * bit 0 is the LSB of addr; bit 32 is the LSB of (addr+1).
      35:  */
      37: #if __GNUC__ < 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 1)
      38: /* Technically wrong, but this avoids compilation errors on some gcc
      39:    versions. */
      40: #define BITOP_ADDR(x) "=m" (*(volatile long *) (x))
      41: #else
      42: #define BITOP_ADDR(x) "+m" (*(volatile long *) (x))
      43: #endif
      45: #define ADDR                BITOP_ADDR(addr)
      47: /*
      48:  * We do the locked ops that don't return the old value as
      49:  * a mask operation on a byte.
      50:  */
      51: #define IS_IMMEDIATE(nr)        (__builtin_constant_p(nr))
      52: #define CONST_MASK_ADDR(nr, addr)    BITOP_ADDR((void *)(addr) + ((nr)>>3))
      53: #define CONST_MASK(nr)            (1 << ((nr) & 7))
      55: /**
      56:  * set_bit - Atomically set a bit in memory
      57:  * @nr: the bit to set
      58:  * @addr: the address to start counting from
      59:  *
      60:  * This function is atomic and may not be reordered.  See __set_bit()
      61:  * if you do not require the atomic guarantees.
      62:  *
      63:  * Note: there are no guarantees that this function will not be reordered
      64:  * on non x86 architectures, so if you are writing portable code,
      65:  * make sure not to rely on its reordering guarantees.
      66:  *
      67:  * Note that @nr may be almost arbitrarily large; this function is not
      68:  * restricted to acting on a single-word quantity.
      69:  */
      70: static __always_inline void
      71: set_bit(long nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
      72: {
      73:     if (IS_IMMEDIATE(nr)) {
      74:         asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "orb %1,%0"
      75:             : CONST_MASK_ADDR(nr, addr)
      76:             : "iq" ((u8)CONST_MASK(nr))
      77:             : "memory");
      78:     } else {
      79:         asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "bts %1,%0"
      80:             : BITOP_ADDR(addr) : "Ir" (nr) : "memory");
      81:     }
      82: }
      84: /**
      85:  * __set_bit - Set a bit in memory
      86:  * @nr: the bit to set
      87:  * @addr: the address to start counting from
      88:  *
      89:  * Unlike set_bit(), this function is non-atomic and may be reordered.
      90:  * If it's called on the same region of memory simultaneously, the effect
      91:  * may be that only one operation succeeds.
      92:  */
      93: static inline void __set_bit(long nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
      94: {
      95:     asm volatile("bts %1,%0" : ADDR : "Ir" (nr) : "memory");
      96: }
      98: /**
      99:  * clear_bit - Clears a bit in memory
     100:  * @nr: Bit to clear
     101:  * @addr: Address to start counting from
     102:  *
     103:  * clear_bit() is atomic and may not be reordered.  However, it does
     104:  * not contain a memory barrier, so if it is used for locking purposes,
     105:  * you should call smp_mb__before_clear_bit() and/or smp_mb__after_clear_bit()
     106:  * in order to ensure changes are visible on other processors.
     107:  */
     108: static __always_inline void
     109: clear_bit(long nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
     110: {
     111:     if (IS_IMMEDIATE(nr)) {
     112:         asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "andb %1,%0"
     113:             : CONST_MASK_ADDR(nr, addr)
     114:             : "iq" ((u8)~CONST_MASK(nr)));
     115:     } else {
     116:         asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "btr %1,%0"
     117:             : BITOP_ADDR(addr)
     118:             : "Ir" (nr));
     119:     }
     120: }
     122: /*
     123:  * clear_bit_unlock - Clears a bit in memory
     124:  * @nr: Bit to clear
     125:  * @addr: Address to start counting from
     126:  *
     127:  * clear_bit() is atomic and implies release semantics before the memory
     128:  * operation. It can be used for an unlock.
     129:  */
     130: static inline void clear_bit_unlock(long nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
     131: {
     132:     barrier();
     133:     clear_bit(nr, addr);
     134: }
     136: static inline void __clear_bit(long nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
     137: {
     138:     asm volatile("btr %1,%0" : ADDR : "Ir" (nr));
     139: }
     141: /*
     142:  * __clear_bit_unlock - Clears a bit in memory
     143:  * @nr: Bit to clear
     144:  * @addr: Address to start counting from
     145:  *
     146:  * __clear_bit() is non-atomic and implies release semantics before the memory
     147:  * operation. It can be used for an unlock if no other CPUs can concurrently
     148:  * modify other bits in the word.
     149:  *
     150:  * No memory barrier is required here, because x86 cannot reorder stores past
     151:  * older loads. Same principle as spin_unlock.
     152:  */
     153: static inline void __clear_bit_unlock(long nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
     154: {
     155:     barrier();
     156:     __clear_bit(nr, addr);
     157: }
     159: #define smp_mb__before_clear_bit()    barrier()
     160: #define smp_mb__after_clear_bit()    barrier()
     162: /**
     163:  * __change_bit - Toggle a bit in memory
     164:  * @nr: the bit to change
     165:  * @addr: the address to start counting from
     166:  *
     167:  * Unlike change_bit(), this function is non-atomic and may be reordered.
     168:  * If it's called on the same region of memory simultaneously, the effect
     169:  * may be that only one operation succeeds.
     170:  */
     171: static inline void __change_bit(long nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
     172: {
     173:     asm volatile("btc %1,%0" : ADDR : "Ir" (nr));
     174: }
     176: /**
     177:  * change_bit - Toggle a bit in memory
     178:  * @nr: Bit to change
     179:  * @addr: Address to start counting from
     180:  *
     181:  * change_bit() is atomic and may not be reordered.
     182:  * Note that @nr may be almost arbitrarily large; this function is not
     183:  * restricted to acting on a single-word quantity.
     184:  */
     185: static inline void change_bit(long nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
     186: {
     187:     if (IS_IMMEDIATE(nr)) {
     188:         asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "xorb %1,%0"
     189:             : CONST_MASK_ADDR(nr, addr)
     190:             : "iq" ((u8)CONST_MASK(nr)));
     191:     } else {
     192:         asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "btc %1,%0"
     193:             : BITOP_ADDR(addr)
     194:             : "Ir" (nr));
     195:     }
     196: }
     198: /**
     199:  * test_and_set_bit - Set a bit and return its old value
     200:  * @nr: Bit to set
     201:  * @addr: Address to count from
     202:  *
     203:  * This operation is atomic and cannot be reordered.
     204:  * It also implies a memory barrier.
     205:  */
     206: static inline int test_and_set_bit(long nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
     207: {
     208:     GEN_BINARY_RMWcc(LOCK_PREFIX "bts", *addr, "Ir", nr, "%0", "c");
     209: }
     211: /**
     212:  * test_and_set_bit_lock - Set a bit and return its old value for lock
     213:  * @nr: Bit to set
     214:  * @addr: Address to count from
     215:  *
     216:  * This is the same as test_and_set_bit on x86.
     217:  */
     218: static __always_inline int
     219: test_and_set_bit_lock(long nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
     220: {
     221:     return test_and_set_bit(nr, addr);
     222: }
     224: /**
     225:  * __test_and_set_bit - Set a bit and return its old value
     226:  * @nr: Bit to set
     227:  * @addr: Address to count from
     228:  *
     229:  * This operation is non-atomic and can be reordered.
     230:  * If two examples of this operation race, one can appear to succeed
     231:  * but actually fail.  You must protect multiple accesses with a lock.
     232:  */
     233: static inline int __test_and_set_bit(long nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
     234: {
     235:     int oldbit;
     237:     asm("bts %2,%1\n\t"
     238:         "sbb %0,%0"
     239:         : "=r" (oldbit), ADDR
     240:         : "Ir" (nr));
     241:     return oldbit;
     242: }
     244: /**
     245:  * test_and_clear_bit - Clear a bit and return its old value
     246:  * @nr: Bit to clear
     247:  * @addr: Address to count from
     248:  *
     249:  * This operation is atomic and cannot be reordered.
     250:  * It also implies a memory barrier.
     251:  */
     252: static inline int test_and_clear_bit(long nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
     253: {
     254:     GEN_BINARY_RMWcc(LOCK_PREFIX "btr", *addr, "Ir", nr, "%0", "c");
     255: }
     257: /**
     258:  * __test_and_clear_bit - Clear a bit and return its old value
     259:  * @nr: Bit to clear
     260:  * @addr: Address to count from
     261:  *
     262:  * This operation is non-atomic and can be reordered.
     263:  * If two examples of this operation race, one can appear to succeed
     264:  * but actually fail.  You must protect multiple accesses with a lock.
     265:  *
     266:  * Note: the operation is performed atomically with respect to
     267:  * the local CPU, but not other CPUs. Portable code should not
     268:  * rely on this behaviour.
     269:  * KVM relies on this behaviour on x86 for modifying memory that is also
     270:  * accessed from a hypervisor on the same CPU if running in a VM: don't change
     271:  * this without also updating arch/x86/kernel/kvm.c
     272:  */
     273: static inline int __test_and_clear_bit(long nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
     274: {
     275:     int oldbit;
     277:     asm volatile("btr %2,%1\n\t"
     278:              "sbb %0,%0"
     279:              : "=r" (oldbit), ADDR
     280:              : "Ir" (nr));
     281:     return oldbit;
     282: }
     284: /* WARNING: non atomic and it can be reordered! */
     285: static inline int __test_and_change_bit(long nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
     286: {
     287:     int oldbit;
     289:     asm volatile("btc %2,%1\n\t"
     290:              "sbb %0,%0"
     291:              : "=r" (oldbit), ADDR
     292:              : "Ir" (nr) : "memory");
     294:     return oldbit;
     295: }
     297: /**
     298:  * test_and_change_bit - Change a bit and return its old value
     299:  * @nr: Bit to change
     300:  * @addr: Address to count from
     301:  *
     302:  * This operation is atomic and cannot be reordered.
     303:  * It also implies a memory barrier.
     304:  */
     305: static inline int test_and_change_bit(long nr, volatile unsigned long *addr)
     306: {
     307:     GEN_BINARY_RMWcc(LOCK_PREFIX "btc", *addr, "Ir", nr, "%0", "c");
     308: }
     310: static __always_inline int constant_test_bit(long nr, const volatile unsigned long *addr)
     311: {
     312:     return ((1UL << (nr & (BITS_PER_LONG-1))) &
     313:         (addr[nr >> _BITOPS_LONG_SHIFT])) != 0;
     314: }
     316: static inline int variable_test_bit(long nr, volatile const unsigned long *addr)
     317: {
     318:     int oldbit;
     320:     asm volatile("bt %2,%1\n\t"
     321:              "sbb %0,%0"
     322:              : "=r" (oldbit)
     323:              : "m" (*(unsigned long *)addr), "Ir" (nr));
     325:     return oldbit;
     326: }
     328: #if 0 /* Fool kernel-doc since it doesn't do macros yet */
     329: /**
     330:  * test_bit - Determine whether a bit is set
     331:  * @nr: bit number to test
     332:  * @addr: Address to start counting from
     333:  */
     334: static int test_bit(int nr, const volatile unsigned long *addr);
     335: #endif
     337: #define test_bit(nr, addr)            \
     338:     (__builtin_constant_p((nr))        \
     339:      ? constant_test_bit((nr), (addr))    \
     340:      : variable_test_bit((nr), (addr)))
     342: /**
     343:  * __ffs - find first set bit in word
     344:  * @word: The word to search
     345:  *
     346:  * Undefined if no bit exists, so code should check against 0 first.
     347:  */
     348: static inline unsigned long __ffs(unsigned long word)
     349: {
     350:     asm("rep; bsf %1,%0"
     351:         : "=r" (word)
     352:         : "rm" (word));
     353:     return word;
     354: }
     356: /**
     357:  * ffz - find first zero bit in word
     358:  * @word: The word to search
     359:  *
     360:  * Undefined if no zero exists, so code should check against ~0UL first.
     361:  */
     362: static inline unsigned long ffz(unsigned long word)
     363: {
     364:     asm("rep; bsf %1,%0"
     365:         : "=r" (word)
     366:         : "r" (~word));
     367:     return word;
     368: }
     370: /*
     371:  * __fls: find last set bit in word
     372:  * @word: The word to search
     373:  *
     374:  * Undefined if no set bit exists, so code should check against 0 first.
     375:  */
     376: static inline unsigned long __fls(unsigned long word)
     377: {
     378:     asm("bsr %1,%0"
     379:         : "=r" (word)
     380:         : "rm" (word));
     381:     return word;
     382: }
     384: #undef ADDR
     386: #ifdef __KERNEL__
     387: /**
     388:  * ffs - find first set bit in word
     389:  * @x: the word to search
     390:  *
     391:  * This is defined the same way as the libc and compiler builtin ffs
     392:  * routines, therefore differs in spirit from the other bitops.
     393:  *
     394:  * ffs(value) returns 0 if value is 0 or the position of the first
     395:  * set bit if value is nonzero. The first (least significant) bit
     396:  * is at position 1.
     397:  */
     398: static inline int ffs(int x)
     399: {
     400:     int r;
     402: #ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
     403:     /*
     404:      * AMD64 says BSFL won't clobber the dest reg if x==0; Intel64 says the
     405:      * dest reg is undefined if x==0, but their CPU architect says its
     406:      * value is written to set it to the same as before, except that the
     407:      * top 32 bits will be cleared.
     408:      *
     409:      * We cannot do this on 32 bits because at the very least some
     410:      * 486 CPUs did not behave this way.
     411:      */
     412:     asm("bsfl %1,%0"
     413:         : "=r" (r)
     414:         : "rm" (x), "0" (-1));
     415: #elif defined(CONFIG_X86_CMOV)
     416:     asm("bsfl %1,%0\n\t"
     417:         "cmovzl %2,%0"
     418:         : "=&r" (r) : "rm" (x), "r" (-1));
     419: #else
     420:     asm("bsfl %1,%0\n\t"
     421:         "jnz 1f\n\t"
     422:         "movl $-1,%0\n"
     423:         "1:" : "=r" (r) : "rm" (x));
     424: #endif
     425:     return r + 1;
     426: }
     428: /**
     429:  * fls - find last set bit in word
     430:  * @x: the word to search
     431:  *
     432:  * This is defined in a similar way as the libc and compiler builtin
     433:  * ffs, but returns the position of the most significant set bit.
     434:  *
     435:  * fls(value) returns 0 if value is 0 or the position of the last
     436:  * set bit if value is nonzero. The last (most significant) bit is
     437:  * at position 32.
     438:  */
     439: static inline int fls(int x)
     440: {
     441:     int r;
     443: #ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
     444:     /*
     445:      * AMD64 says BSRL won't clobber the dest reg if x==0; Intel64 says the
     446:      * dest reg is undefined if x==0, but their CPU architect says its
     447:      * value is written to set it to the same as before, except that the
     448:      * top 32 bits will be cleared.
     449:      *
     450:      * We cannot do this on 32 bits because at the very least some
     451:      * 486 CPUs did not behave this way.
     452:      */
     453:     asm("bsrl %1,%0"
     454:         : "=r" (r)
     455:         : "rm" (x), "0" (-1));
     456: #elif defined(CONFIG_X86_CMOV)
     457:     asm("bsrl %1,%0\n\t"
     458:         "cmovzl %2,%0"
     459:         : "=&r" (r) : "rm" (x), "rm" (-1));
     460: #else
     461:     asm("bsrl %1,%0\n\t"
     462:         "jnz 1f\n\t"
     463:         "movl $-1,%0\n"
     464:         "1:" : "=r" (r) : "rm" (x));
     465: #endif
     466:     return r + 1;
     467: }
     469: /**
     470:  * fls64 - find last set bit in a 64-bit word
     471:  * @x: the word to search
     472:  *
     473:  * This is defined in a similar way as the libc and compiler builtin
     474:  * ffsll, but returns the position of the most significant set bit.
     475:  *
     476:  * fls64(value) returns 0 if value is 0 or the position of the last
     477:  * set bit if value is nonzero. The last (most significant) bit is
     478:  * at position 64.
     479:  */
     480: #ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
     481: static __always_inline int fls64(__u64 x)
     482: {
     483:     int bitpos = -1;
     484:     /*
     485:      * AMD64 says BSRQ won't clobber the dest reg if x==0; Intel64 says the
     486:      * dest reg is undefined if x==0, but their CPU architect says its
     487:      * value is written to set it to the same as before.
     488:      */
     489:     asm("bsrq %1,%q0"
     490:         : "+r" (bitpos)
     491:         : "rm" (x));
     492:     return bitpos + 1;
     493: }
     494: #else
     495: #include <asm-generic/bitops/fls64.h>
     496: #endif
     498: #include <asm-generic/bitops/find.h>
     500: #include <asm-generic/bitops/sched.h>
     502: #define ARCH_HAS_FAST_MULTIPLIER 1
     504: #include <asm/arch_hweight.h>
     506: #include <asm-generic/bitops/const_hweight.h>
     508: #include <asm-generic/bitops/le.h>
     510: #include <asm-generic/bitops/ext2-atomic-setbit.h>
     512: #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
     513: #endif /* _ASM_X86_BITOPS_H */