File: /Users/paulross/dev/linux/linux-3.13/include/linux/bitops.h

Green shading in the line number column means the source is part of the translation unit, red means it is conditionally excluded. Highlighted line numbers link to the translation unit page. Highlighted macros link to the macro page.

       1: #ifndef _LINUX_BITOPS_H
       2: #define _LINUX_BITOPS_H
       3: #include <asm/types.h>
       5: #ifdef    __KERNEL__
       6: #define BIT(nr)            (1UL << (nr))
       7: #define BIT_ULL(nr)        (1ULL << (nr))
       8: #define BIT_MASK(nr)        (1UL << ((nr) % BITS_PER_LONG))
       9: #define BIT_WORD(nr)        ((nr) / BITS_PER_LONG)
      10: #define BIT_ULL_MASK(nr)    (1ULL << ((nr) % BITS_PER_LONG_LONG))
      11: #define BIT_ULL_WORD(nr)    ((nr) / BITS_PER_LONG_LONG)
      12: #define BITS_PER_BYTE        8
      13: #define BITS_TO_LONGS(nr)    DIV_ROUND_UP(nr, BITS_PER_BYTE * sizeof(long))
      14: #endif
      16: /*
      17:  * Create a contiguous bitmask starting at bit position @l and ending at
      18:  * position @h. For example
      19:  * GENMASK_ULL(39, 21) gives us the 64bit vector 0x000000ffffe00000.
      20:  */
      21: #define GENMASK(h, l)        (((U32_C(1) << ((h) - (l) + 1)) - 1) << (l))
      22: #define GENMASK_ULL(h, l)    (((U64_C(1) << ((h) - (l) + 1)) - 1) << (l))
      24: extern unsigned int __sw_hweight8(unsigned int w);
      25: extern unsigned int __sw_hweight16(unsigned int w);
      26: extern unsigned int __sw_hweight32(unsigned int w);
      27: extern unsigned long __sw_hweight64(__u64 w);
      29: /*
      30:  * Include this here because some architectures need generic_ffs/fls in
      31:  * scope
      32:  */
      33: #include <asm/bitops.h>
      35: #define for_each_set_bit(bit, addr, size) \
      36:     for ((bit) = find_first_bit((addr), (size));        \
      37:          (bit) < (size);                    \
      38:          (bit) = find_next_bit((addr), (size), (bit) + 1))
      40: /* same as for_each_set_bit() but use bit as value to start with */
      41: #define for_each_set_bit_from(bit, addr, size) \
      42:     for ((bit) = find_next_bit((addr), (size), (bit));    \
      43:          (bit) < (size);                    \
      44:          (bit) = find_next_bit((addr), (size), (bit) + 1))
      46: #define for_each_clear_bit(bit, addr, size) \
      47:     for ((bit) = find_first_zero_bit((addr), (size));    \
      48:          (bit) < (size);                    \
      49:          (bit) = find_next_zero_bit((addr), (size), (bit) + 1))
      51: /* same as for_each_clear_bit() but use bit as value to start with */
      52: #define for_each_clear_bit_from(bit, addr, size) \
      53:     for ((bit) = find_next_zero_bit((addr), (size), (bit));    \
      54:          (bit) < (size);                    \
      55:          (bit) = find_next_zero_bit((addr), (size), (bit) + 1))
      57: static __inline__ int get_bitmask_order(unsigned int count)
      58: {
      59:     int order;
      61:     order = fls(count);
      62:     return order;    /* We could be slightly more clever with -1 here... */
      63: }
      65: static __inline__ int get_count_order(unsigned int count)
      66: {
      67:     int order;
      69:     order = fls(count) - 1;
      70:     if (count & (count - 1))
      71:         order++;
      72:     return order;
      73: }
      75: static inline unsigned long hweight_long(unsigned long w)
      76: {
      77:     return sizeof(w) == 4 ? hweight32(w) : hweight64(w);
      78: }
      80: /**
      81:  * rol64 - rotate a 64-bit value left
      82:  * @word: value to rotate
      83:  * @shift: bits to roll
      84:  */
      85: static inline __u64 rol64(__u64 word, unsigned int shift)
      86: {
      87:     return (word << shift) | (word >> (64 - shift));
      88: }
      90: /**
      91:  * ror64 - rotate a 64-bit value right
      92:  * @word: value to rotate
      93:  * @shift: bits to roll
      94:  */
      95: static inline __u64 ror64(__u64 word, unsigned int shift)
      96: {
      97:     return (word >> shift) | (word << (64 - shift));
      98: }
     100: /**
     101:  * rol32 - rotate a 32-bit value left
     102:  * @word: value to rotate
     103:  * @shift: bits to roll
     104:  */
     105: static inline __u32 rol32(__u32 word, unsigned int shift)
     106: {
     107:     return (word << shift) | (word >> (32 - shift));
     108: }
     110: /**
     111:  * ror32 - rotate a 32-bit value right
     112:  * @word: value to rotate
     113:  * @shift: bits to roll
     114:  */
     115: static inline __u32 ror32(__u32 word, unsigned int shift)
     116: {
     117:     return (word >> shift) | (word << (32 - shift));
     118: }
     120: /**
     121:  * rol16 - rotate a 16-bit value left
     122:  * @word: value to rotate
     123:  * @shift: bits to roll
     124:  */
     125: static inline __u16 rol16(__u16 word, unsigned int shift)
     126: {
     127:     return (word << shift) | (word >> (16 - shift));
     128: }
     130: /**
     131:  * ror16 - rotate a 16-bit value right
     132:  * @word: value to rotate
     133:  * @shift: bits to roll
     134:  */
     135: static inline __u16 ror16(__u16 word, unsigned int shift)
     136: {
     137:     return (word >> shift) | (word << (16 - shift));
     138: }
     140: /**
     141:  * rol8 - rotate an 8-bit value left
     142:  * @word: value to rotate
     143:  * @shift: bits to roll
     144:  */
     145: static inline __u8 rol8(__u8 word, unsigned int shift)
     146: {
     147:     return (word << shift) | (word >> (8 - shift));
     148: }
     150: /**
     151:  * ror8 - rotate an 8-bit value right
     152:  * @word: value to rotate
     153:  * @shift: bits to roll
     154:  */
     155: static inline __u8 ror8(__u8 word, unsigned int shift)
     156: {
     157:     return (word >> shift) | (word << (8 - shift));
     158: }
     160: /**
     161:  * sign_extend32 - sign extend a 32-bit value using specified bit as sign-bit
     162:  * @value: value to sign extend
     163:  * @index: 0 based bit index (0<=index<32) to sign bit
     164:  */
     165: static inline __s32 sign_extend32(__u32 value, int index)
     166: {
     167:     __u8 shift = 31 - index;
     168:     return (__s32)(value << shift) >> shift;
     169: }
     171: static inline unsigned fls_long(unsigned long l)
     172: {
     173:     if (sizeof(l) == 4)
     174:         return fls(l);
     175:     return fls64(l);
     176: }
     178: /**
     179:  * __ffs64 - find first set bit in a 64 bit word
     180:  * @word: The 64 bit word
     181:  *
     182:  * On 64 bit arches this is a synomyn for __ffs
     183:  * The result is not defined if no bits are set, so check that @word
     184:  * is non-zero before calling this.
     185:  */
     186: static inline unsigned long __ffs64(u64 word)
     187: {
     188: #if BITS_PER_LONG == 32
     189:     if (((u32)word) == 0UL)
     190:         return __ffs((u32)(word >> 32)) + 32;
     191: #elif BITS_PER_LONG != 64
     192: #error BITS_PER_LONG not 32 or 64
     193: #endif
     194:     return __ffs((unsigned long)word);
     195: }
     197: #ifdef __KERNEL__
     199: #ifndef find_last_bit
     200: /**
     201:  * find_last_bit - find the last set bit in a memory region
     202:  * @addr: The address to start the search at
     203:  * @size: The maximum size to search
     204:  *
     205:  * Returns the bit number of the first set bit, or size.
     206:  */
     207: extern unsigned long find_last_bit(const unsigned long *addr,
     208:                    unsigned long size);
     209: #endif
     211: #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
     212: #endif