The PpLexer module collects the file include graph. This tutorial shows you how to use it for you own ends.
A FileIncludeGraph object is one of the artifacts produced by a PpLexer [see the tutorial here: PpLexer Tutorial].
Once the PpLexer has processed the Translation Unit it has and attribute fileIncludeGraphRoot which is an instance of the class FileIncludeGraph.FileIncludeGraphRoot.
Here is the code to create a file include graph:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | import sys
from cpip.core import PpLexer
from cpip.core import IncludeHandler
def main():
print('Processing:', sys.argv[1])
myH = IncludeHandler.CppIncludeStdOs(
myLex = PpLexer.PpLexer(sys.argv[1], myH)
tu = ''.join(tok.t for tok in myLex.ppTokens(minWs=True))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Invoking this code thus (in the manner of the PpLexer Tutorial):
$ python3 ../src/main.cpp
Gives this output:
Processing: ../src/main.cpp
<cpip.core.FileIncludeGraph.FileIncludeGraphRoot object at 0x100753790>
The structure is a tree with each node being an included file, the root being the Initial Translation Unit i.e. the file being pre-processed. Source code order is ‘left-to-right’ and depth is the degree of #include statements.
The class FileIncludeGraph.FileIncludeGraphRoot has a fairly rich interface, reference documentation for the module is here: FileIncludeGraph
The FileIncludeGraph.FileIncludeGraphRoot has a method def acceptVisitor(self, visitor): can accept a visitor object (that can inherit from FigVisitorBase) for traversing the graph. This takes the visitor object and calls visitor.visitGraph(self, theFigNode, theDepth, theLine) on that object where depth is the current depth in the graph as an integer and line the line that is a non-monotonic sibling node ordinal.
There are a number of visitor examples in the FileIncludeGraph test code. CPIPMain has a number of visitor implementations.
theFigNode is a cpip.core.FileIncludeGraph.FileIncludeGraph object. See FileIncludeGraph
Here we create a simple visitor [lines 6-9]. After processing the Translation Unit [line 18] we create a visitor and traverse the include graph [lines 19-20]. At each node in the graph the visitor merely prints out the file (node) name and the findLogic string i.e. how this file was found for inclusion [line 9].
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | import sys
from cpip.core import PpLexer
from cpip.core import IncludeHandler
from cpip.core import FileIncludeGraph
class Visitor(FileIncludeGraph.FigVisitorBase):
def visitGraph(self, theFigNode, theDepth, theLine):
print(theFigNode.fileName, theFigNode.findLogic)
def main():
print('Processing:', sys.argv[1])
myH = IncludeHandler.CppIncludeStdOs(
myLex = PpLexer.PpLexer(sys.argv[1], myH)
tu = ''.join(tok.t for tok in myLex.ppTokens(minWs=True))
myVis = Visitor()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Invoking this code thus (in the manner of the PpLexer Tutorial):
$ python3 ../src/main.cpp
Gives this output:
Processing: ../src/main.cpp
../usr/user.h ['"user.h"', 'CP=None', 'usr=../usr']
../sys/system.h ['<system.h>', 'sys=../sys']
For example, in line 3, this means that the file ../usr/user.h was included with a #include "user.h" statement, first the “Current Place” (CP) was searched (unsuccessfully so result None), then the user include directories were searched and the file was found in the ..usr directory.
The use case here is, given a FileIncludeGraph, can I simply create a tree of objects of my own definition from the graph? An example would be creating a structure that makes it easy to plot an SVG graph. The class should sub-class cpip.core.FileIncludeGraph.FigVisitorTreeNodeBase.
The solution is to create a cpip.core.FileIncludeGraph.FigVisitorTree object with a class definition for the node objects. This class definition must take in its constructor a file node (None for the root) and a line number.
Here is an example that is used to create a tree of file name and token counts. A class MyVisitorTreeNode is defined thqat on construction extracts file name and token count data from the file include graph node. The other requirement is to implement finalise at the the end of tree construction that updates the token count with those of the nodes children. Finally it suplies some string representation of itself.
The special code is on lines 40-43 where the FileIncludeGraph.FigVisitorTree visitor is created with a cls specification of MyVisitorTreeNode. The file include graph is then presented with the visitor (line 41). Finally a tree of MyVisitorTreeNode objects is retrieved with a call to tree().
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 | import sys
from cpip.core import PpLexer
from cpip.core import IncludeHandler
from cpip.core import FileIncludeGraph
class MyVisitorTreeNode(FileIncludeGraph.FigVisitorTreeNodeBase):
PAD = ' '
def __init__(self, theFig, theLineNum):
super(MyVisitorTreeNode, self).__init__(theLineNum)
if theFig is None:
self._name = None
self._t = 0
self._name = theFig.fileName
self._t = theFig.numTokens
def finalise(self):
# Tot up tokens
for aChild in self._children:
self._t += aChild._t
def __str__(self):
return self.retStr(0)
def retStr(self, d):
r = '%s%04d %s %d\n' % (self.PAD*d, self._lineNum, self._name, self._t)
for aC in self._children:
r += aC.retStr(d+1)
return r
def main():
print('Processing:', sys.argv[1])
myH = IncludeHandler.CppIncludeStdOs(
myLex = PpLexer.PpLexer(sys.argv[1], myH)
tu = ''.join(tok.t for tok in myLex.ppTokens(minWs=True))
myVis = FileIncludeGraph.FigVisitorTree(MyVisitorTreeNode)
myTree = myVis.tree()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Invoking this so:
$ python3 ../src/main.cpp
Gives this output:
Processing: ../src/main.cpp
-001 None 63
-001 ../src/main.cpp 63
0002 ../usr/user.h 20
0004 ../sys/system.h 10
Further examples can be found in the code in and